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2021 National Double-Goal Coach® Award Winner Chris Harrison, Hillsborough County Parks & Rec


“This award is super exciting because it’s highlighting what coaches do here…what Parks & Recreation is all about…having fun with the kids, playing sports, having positive role models, teaching what effort is all about and how kids can carry that effort through life.”

-Coach Chris Harrison

“Chris has a distinct ability to relate to children and teenagers in a way that they can understand and appreciate. His passion for coaching and sports is proven by the relationships he has developed with his athletes and participants. The younger children light up when they see Coach Chris enter the room and the teenagers’ respect for him is proven by the number of former participants that have now become coaching staff.”

-Adrienne Rouse, Manager of Recreation Services, Hillsborough County Parks and Recreation Department

Fun Facts

Favorite milkshake flavor: cookies and cream

Favorite NFL team: Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Baseball cap or cowboy hat: baseball cap